Secrets of Sushumna

The word Sushumna in Yoga is a really dynamic word. In Hatha yoga It means the naadi ranging from the mooladhara to Sahasrara. Though , quite possibly, the word Sushumna itself is a Sandhya bhasha terminology in Sanskrit. In the word Sushumna itself lies codified the secrets of Samadhi. Let us break the word Sushumna into three parts - 'Su' , 'Shu', 'Mna'. The 'Su' in Sushumna stands for that which is pleasant or indicative of Bliss. 'Shu' is the root word for  Shuchi or Shuddh indicating purity , wholeness (poornata) and clarity of perception. 'Mna' in its root means to intently Fix your mind upon something or anchor or mind to breath, mantra. etc. So quite possibly, the word Sushumna here is indicative of the state of Laya / dissolution  of mind as a result of its fixation on the state of bliss arising internally and also the clarity of perception and sensitivity in the presence of which the ordinary limited mind is dissolved. Alternately, it is also indicative of the state of bliss/pleasantness & clarity of perception arising as a result of the mind anchoring itself to the breath or any other desired object of Dhyana leading to a state of 'Laya'. The word Sushumna, within itself holds the key to unlock the secrets of Laya & Samadhi.

*-----An article by Rohit Pillai---* 
(The above article comes from the limited experience and knowledge of the author.  Just in case of any mistakes the author is open for criticism and corrections).


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